5 things to do with your kids on a snowy day in the Western Suburbs
Well, given this late-season snow storm we find on our hands in Chicago (hello, March??!), I thought I’d make some lemonade and share 5 things to do with kiddos on a snowy day in the Western Suburbs of Chicago.
Go Sledding!
Ok, this is an obvious one, but it’s got to be first on the list!! Being a local Elmhurst resident, some of the popular local places include sledding hills at Beren’s Park and Eldridge Park. However, if you want a super secret “awesome-for-the-littles” spot, check out the “monkey trails” area at Wild Meadows Trace. I’ve seen families (especially those with the littlest sledders) enjoying this magical, quiet area which runs just north of the Prairie Path. The “trace” itself is a semi-wide, tree-lined path (with some elevation to it’s north) and starts near the Park District’s Safety Town and heads east. You can access the trace from Safety Town, however, I have found it easiest to access this sledding area along Valette Street just east of Poplar Avenue.
Sledder flying down the hill at Eldridge, Park (actually that’s my son!). :)
Wild Meadow’s Trace. Kids sled down clearings on the small elevations to the left of the path.
2. Go for a Winter Walk
There’s so many places to explore! To start, the llinois Prairie Path is a family-friendly choice due to its easy access (and it’s periodic proximity to local businesses). Another beautiful place is Fullersburg Woods. Park in the lot near their nature center for easy access. From hills, to bridges, the Salt Creek and deer/wildlife, you’re sure to have an interesting adventure. Another less-travelled spot (and smaller/easy to access) is York Woods in Elmhurst. The parking lot has easy access to a short 1 mile paved trail. The lot is located right off Harger Road near the 290 entrance ramp. What I really like about this path is it’s size. You can do a quick little adventure without much stress.
Snowy Scene on the Prairie Path in Elmhurst, IL
3. Enjoy a warm, sweet treat! Take your kiddos to the local coffeeshop for a warm cup of hot cocoa. One of my favorite spots is Lezza’s. Located on Spring Road, it’s a great local bakery that also features gelato. Grab a round of hot cocoas (maybe a LaVAzza coffee for yourself?) and some delicious cookies. While you’re there, I HIGHLY recommend grabbing one of their famous (to me anyway!) cannoli dip trays. They are to die for!
4. Escape to the warmth of an indoor garden/conservatory. Sometimes when the winter blues hit hard, I love to pay a quick visit to our local conservatory. Its warm, humid air, seasonally-blooming plants and fish pond always have a way of perking me up. It’s like a quick vacation (well, sort of!) ;).
Elmhurst Conservatory in the Springtime.
5. Go ice skating. Nothing beats some fun out on the ice! We have a great outdoor rink here in Elmhurst at our local YMCA which is great place to check out. Kidlist put out an amazing guide of outdoor rinks in Dupage County. Just be sure to check your local outdoor rink before you head out to be sure the temperature has been cold enough to support outdoor ice.
And, most importantly, have fun!! Spring is around the corner, right!?? ;)